International Enrolment Process

Our International Enrolment process been crafted for simplicity and efficiency, aiming to provide you with a hassle-free journey while making one of life's most important choices. Our skilled Enrolments team is committed to assisting you every step of the way, readily available to offer help whenever you require it.


Background Information

Contact the Enrolment Manager to discuss the student’s prospective application – providing information about relocation plans Melbourne, ELICOS preparation and living arrangements.
Mentone Girls' Grammar partners with a number of international agencies who are able to assist to submit an application and support families throughout the enrolment process.
Mentone Girls’ Grammar Approved Agent Representatives



Submit an application and provide copies of the following documentation:
* AEAS test results
* School Transcripts (translated)
* History of Instruction in English – this will determine whether the student will be required to undertake mainstream English or whether they are eligible to undertake English as an Additional Language at Years 11 and 12.
* Birth Certificate
* Submit an application


Enrolment Interview

The Principal will determine whether an offer of enrolment can be made and instruct the Enrolment Team to prepare required documentation.
Offers may be conditional upon students successfully completing the number of weeks ELICOS preparation recommended in the student’s AEAS report.



To accept an offer, parents are required to make payment of the Admission Fee and one semester’s fees in advance.
In addition, families are required to arrange Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the student visa.



Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) and Confirmation of Appropriate Accommodation and Welfare (CAAW) documentation will be prepared on receipt of payment and OSHC documentation.
* International Student Fee Schedule
* Information About Living in Melbourne, Australia

International Student Application Form

Discover Global Opportunities at Mentone Girls’ Grammar

International Students are required to live with a parent when enrolled in Years 7 and 8. Homestay with an approved provider may be arranged from Year 9 onwards. All students must complete an AEAS to determine their English proficiency and confirm their readiness to commence learning in an Australian School Setting. For direct entry into the School, students must attain the following minimum scores:

Entry Year AEAS Score
Year 7 - 9 71 minimum
Years 10 - 11 80 minimum


Contact our Enrolment Manager for information about our International Student Program.

For more information visit
Tuition Protection Service
Living in Australia
Study Australia
Tourism Australia
Overseas Student Ombudsman
Australian Education Assessment Services (AEAS)

Mentone Girls' Grammar is a registered provider for overseas students from Years 7 to 12. We partner with several international agents who may be able to assist you with your overseas enrolment and/or visa queries. To find out more about our International Student Program, and for a full list of Agents refer below. 

Key Resources