Dear Mentone Girls’ Grammar Community,

On behalf of the School Council, I write to inform you that our Principal, Ms Natalie Charles will conclude her tenure at Mentone Girls’ Grammar at the end of the school year, having accepted the role of Principal at St Catherine’s School.

An exemplary leader, Ms Charles has shown exceptional commitment and has been an inspirational voice for girls’ education in her five years of service to Mentone Girls’ Grammar. As she moves on to this new opportunity, she leaves with our best wishes and gratitude.

Ms Charles commenced her role of Principal at Mentone Girls’ Grammar in January 2020 just as the pandemic took hold. Despite the challenges that all schools faced during this time, Ms Charles continued building on the strong foundations of Mentone Girls’ Grammar and led a culture of excellence. Notably, recent enrolment growth has underscored the strength of our School, paving the way for its continued success in the years ahead.

This was also evident last year as Mentone Girls’ Grammar achieved its best results in recent years, with 45% of students achieving an ATAR over 90 and 92% securing their first or second tertiary preference. This success is a testament to our teachers’ dedication and effectiveness in implementing quality practices, creating an environment conducive to academic success.

We are grateful for Ms Charles' leadership in steering the School’s long-term strategic plan. Her focus on holistic education has placed our girls at the centre of everything we do, while fostering a connected community and developing purposeful relationships.

Most notably, Ms Charles has built a culture of exemplary educators by empowering our leadership team and staff to inspire excellence. Because of the strong culture she has built, we have every confidence in our staff to continue cultivating an engaged and supportive learning environment, leading to more motivated, confident and capable students who are well-equipped for the future.

The School Council has begun the recruitment process for a new Principal of Mentone Girls’ Grammar, as well as developing interim plans to facilitate a smooth transition. This position is of the utmost importance and it is crucial we allocate the necessary time and diligence to ensure the next successful appointment.

During this transition, our girls remain our top priority. We are committed to providing clear communication and support, while creating opportunities to celebrate Ms Charles' significant contribution.

On behalf of the Council, we value your continued support and will be in touch with further updates when available.

Yours sincerely,


James Stewart
President of School Council