This nationwide measure allows our School to measure our students' reading, writing, spelling, numeracy, grammar and punctuation proficiency. We consider these benchmarks to supplement our ongoing student monitoring programs, offering another dimension by which we can help evaluate our school’s performance.

The importance of foundational skills
Building strong literacy and numeracy skills is central to fostering a love of learning at Mentone Girls' Grammar. These foundational skills ensure students thrive academically and are confident to explore broader learning outcomes in tertiary education and life beyond classrooms.

Our 2024 NAPLAN proficiency

  • Our NAPLAN averages were significantly higher than the National Benchmark across all years and disciplines.
  • 77% of our Grade 3, 89% of our Grade 5, 92% of our Grade 7 and 92% of our Grade 9 students were benchmarked to perform at strong or exceeding the national proficiency standards across all disciplines.
  • While all proficiency areas are critical, encouraging girls to explore STEM subjects is critical for our School. As such, we are delighted to see such strong numeracy results.


These results, once again demonstrate the exceptional standards of growth our girls experience in foundational skills as they move through the Junior School years.

A testament to explicit, high-impact teaching and learning in our classrooms, we are particularly delighted with the significant growth our girls have demonstrated in Mathematics, which is contrary to the commonly published trend of girls not performing well in that subject. In Maths, we are proud to see our girls performing well above national standards.

Mr Ross Halliday

Head of Junior School.

National Benchmark for Literacy and Numeracy

Mentone Girls' Grammar exceeds the national proficiency standards. 

NAPLAN: Unpacking proficiency standards by academic year

Our 2024 NAPLAN results also show the proficiency of our students as they progress through School.

We are incredibly encouraged by our results. National data indicate that students’ results can drop as they get older. Research attributes this to lower levels of student engagement in the secondary school years. This does not occur at Mentone Girls' Grammar, where our secondary school results remain strong. We believe the combination of our girls’ only environment, our exemplary teachers and our strong support structures ensures that our girls remain engaged and enthusiastic learners.”

Ms Lisa Hanlon

Head of Teaching and Learning